Two types of salted squid

How to make it

Remove the liver from the pre-treated squid. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of salt and let sit for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, remove the skin from the surface by lifting it off on the back of the knife.


Chop [1] in small pieces with a knife. *Chop raw squid rather than frozen squid carefully as it may have anisakis attached there.


Shredded squid and tossed with the chopped liver. Add a pair of beautiful beauties to the finish and it's finished.


The recipe is the same, but by increasing the amount of time you need to salt the liver, the taste will be completely different. Sprinkle the liver with plenty of salt and let it aged in the fridge for about 2 weeks.


The salted liver is made by mixing it with shredded squid and aged it.


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