Kelp-jiri Kinki salad

Remove three kinki and remove the small bones. Sprinkle salt on both sides of the flesh, scissors with vinegared kelp, wrap it in plastic wrap, and let it rest in the fridge for about 40 minutes.

Peel the asparagus with a peeler, place in boiling water and boil for about 2-3 minutes. Slice one of the boiled asparagus into thin slices using a slicer and place it in ice water with the other asparagus to remove rough heat. Once the heat has been removed, remove it from the ice water and wipe off any water with kitchen paper.

Slice the onions thinly against the fibers and soak them in water to make onions.

Remove the kinki mushrooms from [1] and cut them into pieces with the skin down.

Cut the asparagus diagonally and place in a bowl with the drained soaked onion. Slice the pickles and black olives from [A] thinly and add them to the bowl with other seasonings and mix.

Arrange the kinki fillets on a plate and place the salad from [5] on top.

Place the asparagus sliced thinly in [2] in a separate bowl, add French dressing and lemon juice, and mix. Place it on top of [6] and topped with olive oil and chopped clams to finish.

- Kinki
- 1 fish
- salt
- A little
- vinegar
- A little
- Onion
- Appropriate amount
- pickles
- 5g
- Black olive
- 5g
- Olive oil
- 2 tbsp
- Tomato concusse
- 1 tablespoon
- Balsamic Vinegar
- A little
- Basic French Dressing
- A little
- Basic French Dressing
- A little
- Lemon juice
- A little
- For finishing olive oil
- A little
- For assatsuki
- A little