Flat-eyed mushroom sauteed

Cook the shimeji with your hands. Cut the mushrooms into quarters and the shiitake mushrooms into 6 equal parts. Cut the eringigi into thin, easy-to-eat sizes.

Put olive oil and chopped garlic in a frying pan and heat over medium heat. When the garlic turns golden brown, add all [1] and fry in the frying pan.
Once the garlic is tangled with the mushrooms, add some butter and a little salt, and when the butter has turned, the mushrooms are baked without moving.

Once the mushrooms are golden brown, add a little salt and pepper (not included) and Italian parsley, and fry in a frying pan over high heat.

Add white wine to [4] and when the alcohol content is gone, the mushroom sauce is complete.

Add salt and pepper to both sides of the flat surface, place cake flour on a batter, and pour the flour on the flat surface.

Put olive oil in a frying pan and heat it, then gently add the flat surface from the skin and cook. Without moving the chopsticks, turn the frying pan and bake it.

When the cross section turns yellow when viewed from the side, turn it over and burn the back side as well.

Reheat the mushroom sauce from [5], add a few drops of lemon juice, and if it doesn't have enough salt, add salt.
Sprinkle the flat eye of [8] on a plate and pour plenty of mushroom sauce over it. Sprinkle some Italian parsley and it's finished.

- Hirame *Please also refer to the separate recipe "How to shave flatme." Sashimi is also fine.
- 2 slices
- Shimeji
- 50g
- mushroom
- 2
- Eringi
- 45g
- Shiitake
- 40g
- Chop garlic
- 1 piece
- For olive oil
- 1 tablespoon
- Eagle's Claw
- 1 bottle
- butter
- 20g
- salt
- A little
- Italian parsley chopped
- 2 tbsp
- White wine
- 3 tablespoons
- salt
- Appropriate amount
- Pick it
- Appropriate amount
- cake flour
- Appropriate amount
- Olive oil
- 1 tablespoon
- For finishing lemon juice
- A few drops
- Italian parsley for finishing, minced
- Appropriate amount