Black olives and fruit tomato pasta

How to make it
Cut the ingredients for the tomato sauce and combine them in a bowl to make the sauce.

Place the boiled federini on a plate and pour it over [1] and complete it.

Ingredients: 2 dishes
- Federini
- 160g
[Tomato sauce]
- Peel and chop fruit tomato
- 3 pieces
- Black olives , cut in half
- 30g
- Kalamata olives without seeds, minced
- 15g
- capers roughly
- 5g
- Sliced basil
- 3
- Canned tuna
- 35g
- Chop garlic
- 1/2 tsp
- Olive oil
- 5/2 tbsp
- salt
- Small amount
- Coarsely smelt black pepper
- Small amount