Mushroom minced sweet potato

Slice the mushrooms into thin slices about 5mm thick, then put them in a frying pan with olive oil and fry them.

Once it's soft, add salt and kelp broth. Once it reaches a boil, transfer the broth to a bowl.

Add the minced meat to the frying pan in [2] and fry it. Add the mushroom broth, fresh cream, and Hachimi Bijin that you removed in [2], and once the whole thing is mixed in, add water-soluble potato starch to thicken it.

Transfer the mushrooms you've taken out to a clay pot and pour in the minced meat and bean paste from [3]. Finish with pink pepper and finish.

- Made with white mushrooms
- 65g
- Olive oil
- 1 tablespoon
- salt
- A pinch
- Kelp broth
- 65cc
- Milk pork
- 50g
- Fresh cream
- 1 tablespoon
- For pink pepper
- A little