Spinach roll cream cheese

Appetizers made with vegetables
Kataoka Mamoru
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Choosing a large leafy spinach makes it easier to wrap and gives a beautiful look.
When making white sauce, heat it over low heat! Be careful as it will turn into brown sauce if it is heated.
Instead of cream cheese, you can also enjoy ricotta cheese.
Please also refer to this page for information on the ingredients introduced in this recipe.
Cooking time: 60 minutes
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How to make it

Put butter and flour in a small pot and mix over low heat with a wooden spatula. When the foam becomes fine and smooth, add milk little by little and make a white sauce.


1. Add cream cheese, boiled spinach, and A to the heat and mix well.


Once it's boiling, add egg yolks to put out the fire, and cook it through with the remaining heat. Place it in a batter and spread it flat, wrap it with plastic wrap to prevent air from infusing it, then use the tip of the knife to make several holes to cool.


Boil the spinach for 30 seconds, soak it in ice water, and thoroughly drain it with kitchen paper. Remove the roots.


3. When the temperature is cool, roll it into 20g increments and wrap it in 4. spinach.


Spread melted butter in a batter, arrange 5., place small amounts of Parmesan cheese on top, pour melted butter over top and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.


Serve on a plate, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, parsley, and pour in melted butter.

Ingredients for 4 people

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