Meat sauce and Legaleari style eggplant ricotta

Pasta meat sauce
Kataoka Mamoru
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The true essence of Kataoka's recipe. A dish made with classic meat sauce. This Italian dish is the delicious flavor of the quickly fried eggplant blends in with the sauce incredibly well. Adjust the amount of boiling water added to the meat sauce while checking how well the sauce is boiling. To finish off, sprinkle plenty of cheese and parsley to make it taste delicious.
Please also refer to this page for information on the ingredients introduced in this recipe.
Cooking time: 20 minutes
No time to make meat sauce
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How to make it

Cut the eggplant into 1-2cm rounds, sprinkle salt on both sides and leave for a while. When the moisture comes out, wipe it off with kitchen paper and fry it in 180 degrees oil to a fox color.


Boil water in a pot, add salt, and boil the spaghetti until it has a slightly firm al dente (a little bit of the core remains in the center). (Approximately: about 1 minute before the displayed time. Here we will be 4 minutes.


Heat the meat sauce, add 1, boiling water and parsley and bring to a boil.


Add spaghetti and Parmesan cheese, mix together, then add ricotta cheese and tangle all together.


Place on a plate, and finish off with parsley and parmesan cheese, then top with ricotta cheese.

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