Sautéed oysters wrapped in bacon

Wash the oysters under running water to remove any slime.
Wipe off any water and sprinkle salt and pepper all over.

Roll one oyster per piece of bacon.

Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan and cook over medium heat with the bacon rolled down. Bake until everything is golden brown, about 5 minutes and remove.

Add white wine to a frying pan with oysters. Once the alcohol content is gone, turn the heat down and add [A] to make it into a sauce.

Spread the prepared sauce on a plate and place the baked oysters on top. Garnish with siblet, pour a small amount of lemon juice and olive oil (not included in the amount).

- Raw oysters
- 6 pieces
- Salt and pepper
- Small amount
- bacon
- 6 sheets
- Olive oil
- 1 tablespoon
- White wine
- 3 tablespoons
- butter
- 20g
- salt
- Small amount
- Lemon juice
- 1 tsp
- Balsamic Vinegar
- 1/3 tbsp
- Italian parsley chopped
- 1/2 tbsp
- Asatsuki small cut
- 1 tsp
- Fruit tomatoes 2mm cubes
- 1/2 tbsp
- Chop garlic
- 1/2 tsp
- For sible
- Small amount