Myoga and trabecular salad, risotto style

Kataoka Mamoru
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This salad is made with risotto, using Italian rice as a vegetable. If you put the rice together while it is hot, the rice will cook half-heartedly, so make sure to heat it thoroughly before adding it.
Cooking time: 60 minutes
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How to make it

Skirt the edamame into salted water, then boil it for about 10 minutes. Once you take it out into a net, sprinkle salt while it's hot, spread it on a tub and let it cool.


Boil the corn and cut the fruit into pieces to form granules.


Add 20g of salt and boil Italian rice in boiling water, then heat over the heat for 18 minutes.


[3] Open the [3] into a colander and drain thoroughly, spread it on a batter, and sprinkle with olive oil and white pepper. It's like preparing vinegared rice, so it's a good idea to fan it with a fan and mix it with a spatula and let it cool. Along the way, add balsamic vinegar and lemon juice.


Shredded and squeezed pickled cucumbers, shredded and soaked in water, then squeezed out the water, then squeezed the tomato concusse to [4].


Add the edamame extracted from the pod and shredded corn to [5] and mix gently.


Spread the trabeculature on a basin and wipe off the water with kitchen paper. Transfer to a bowl, add [A], mix and season.


Place [6] on a plate and layer [7] on top. Using celcles gives a good look. Topped with pickled myoga, tomato concusse, and chopped clams to your liquor to your taste.

Ingredients for 4 people

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