Stewed chrysanthemums and spinach

Cut the spinach into roughly 5cm wide. Put it in hot water with salt in excess and boil it. A guideline is about 30 to 40 seconds on medium heat. Once cooked, give it to a colander and remove the heat.

Slice the shiitake mushrooms into thin slices and roast in a frying pan. When the flesh shrinks and the scent begins to rise, remove from the heat.

Combine [A] in a bowl, add the shiitake mushrooms from [2] to soak in the soup. Add spinach and boiled, watered edible chrysanthemums and mix.

Add dark soy sauce to add flavor and mix quickly. Serve in a bowl and it's finished.

- spinach
- 100g
- Shiitake
- 40g
- Used boiled edible chrysanthemum
- 30g
- Kelp broth
- 90cc
- Light soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon
- Mirin
- 1/2 tbsp
- Dark soy sauce
- 1/2 tsp