Enokki pork belly roll

Kataoka Mamoru
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When rolling enoki mushrooms with pork belly, start with the enoki mushroom shaft and slide them up little by little, then roll them thoroughly. It's also delicious even when grilled charcoal. At that time, it's also good to stick it on a skewer and bake it.
Cooking time: 17 minutes
0 posts in arranging recipes
How to make it

Divide each bundle of enoki mushrooms into 15-20g pieces, and roll one bundle with two slices of pork belly.


Add a little salt and pepper to the entire surface of [1].


Put olive oil in a heated frying pan, arrange the meat-wrapped mushrooms and grill them (high heat), then turn off the heat when the whole thing is browned, and put one end on kitchen paper.


Add A to the Japanese mustard, mix well, and apply it to the entire surface of [3] with a brush.


Place [4] on a plate, pour the sauce on it, and sprinkle the clams on top.

Materials 2 people

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