This spaghetti with saury

Cut the onions into thin slices and the mushrooms into bite-sized pieces. Lightly sprinkle salt, coarsely ground black pepper and cake flour on both sides of the saury.

Put A in a frying pan and heat it over low heat. Once the garlic smells, add onion and a little salt (not included) and fry.

Once the onions are soft, add mushrooms and a little salt (not included), fry over high heat for 2-3 minutes, and then pour into a bowl.
Heat olive oil in the same frying pan and cook the saury from the skin. Bake golden brown on both sides, wipe off any excess oil and add white wine.

Flushing the saury into about 5cm length with chopsticks, add B in order, and simmer for about 10 minutes.

Boil water in a pot, add salt, and boil the federini until it has a slightly firm al dente (a little core remains in the center). (Approximately: about 1-2 minutes before the displayed time. Here it is 4 and a half minutes.
Add boiled federini and olive oil to [5], mix and combine them all, and serve on a plate. Finish with parsley.

- Three saury
- 1 fish
- salt
- Appropriate amount
- Coarsely smelt black pepper
- Appropriate amount
- cake flour
- Appropriate amount
- Onion
- 80g
- Mushroom Shiitake, Shimeji, Eringi
- 80g combined
- Olive oil
- 3/2 tbsp
- Chop garlic
- 10g
- Red chili pepper
- 1/2
- Olive oil
- 1 tablespoon
- White wine
- 50cc
- Mince parsley
- 1 tablespoon
- Chili powder
- 1/2 tsp
- Curry powder
- 1/2 tsp
- Boiled soup
- 80cc
- 1cm cubes tomato
- 80g
- capers
- 8g
[Boil spaghetti]
- Federinidi Czech No. 10
- 120g
- Boiled water
- 3 liters
- Salt *1% for hot water
- 30g
- Olive oil
- Appropriate amount
- Chop parsley
- Appropriate amount