Eating black olive paste

Chop all A into small pieces.

Add the garlic from [1] first to olive oil and heat it. Once the garlic is starting to get simmered, add all the remaining [1] and simmer.

Simmer for about 10 minutes and after a little water has faded, add Italian parsley, salt and black pepper to finish.

I put it on grilled Melba toast.

It is also great for use in vegetable dips, fish, meat, and pasta sauces.

- No black olive
- 50g
- Salted
- 40g
- Pine fruit
- 20g
- walnut
- 15g
- garlic
- 15g
- capers
- 15g
- Anchovies
- 8g
- Red chili pepper
- 1 bottle
- Olive oil
- 100cc
- salt
- Small amount
- Black pepper
- Small amount
- Melba toast
- Appropriate amount