Sweet potato risotto

Kataoka Mamoru
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This risotto is a stunning autumn made with Anno potatoes and mushrooms. You can substitute other mushrooms for Hiratake. It is difficult to adjust the amount of water when making risotto, but once you get used to it, you can also arrange it with a variety of ingredients, so be sure to master it.
Cooking time: 30 minutes
0 posts in arranging recipes
How to make it

Peel the Anno potatoes and cut into 1cm cubes.


Heat the pot over the heat and melt the butter and fry the chopped onions. Once the onions are soft, add chopped bacon, shredded hiratake, and [1] Anno potatoes and fry. After frying for about a minute, add the white wine.


Once the whole thing is mixed in, add Italian rice, add the whole bouillon to a boil, and set the timer to 18 minutes.


Mix the whole thing thoroughly and simmer, then add the remaining bouillon in several portions as the water is starting to decrease. Once the rice is in moderate amounts and al dente, turn off the heat, add the finishing touches and Parmesan cheese, and stir well. Taste and add salt and pepper.

Ingredients for 3 people

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