Sauteed red sea bream with white wine sauce with spinach

The red sea bream is covered in salt, pepper and sprinkled with strong flour.

Fry A in a frying pan, and when the spinach is cooked through, season with salt and pepper.

Heat olive oil in another frying pan and cook 1 from the skin. When the skin is browned and the surroundings become white, turn it over and cook it all the way through.

Place 2 and 3 on a plate and pour in white wine sauce.

- Red sea bream
- 1 slice
- salt
- A little
- Coarsely smelt black pepper
- A little
- Strong or cake flour
- A little
- Olive oil
- 1 tablespoon
- Basic white wine sauce
- Appropriate amount
- spinach
- 1/3 bundle
- butter
- 10g
- water
- 1 tablespoon
- salt
- A little
- Coarsely smelt black pepper
- A little