Jibu stew

Cut off one slice of bread and cut it into bite-sized pieces. Chop the carrots into small pieces, make 2cm long for the green onions, and make fine cuts into the umbrella part for the shiitake mushrooms. Quickly cut the spinach into 3cm lengths with hot water.

Tender the duck meat with a knife and sprinkle it with cake flour.

Heat [A] in a pot, add the chopped carrots, green onions and shiitake mushrooms and bring to a boil.

After about 5 minutes, add the bread ears and duck and cook the duck. Finally, thicken it with water-soluble potato starch, then quickly add some hot-watered spinach, transfer it to a bowl, and topped with mustard to finish.

- Bread ears
- 1 sheet
- Carrots
- 30g
- Long onion
- 30g
- Shiitake
- 2
- spinach
- 60g
- Duck slices
- 100g
- cake flour
- Appropriate amount
- Bonito dashi
- 2 cups
- Water-soluble potato starch
- 1 tablespoon
- For finishing mustard
- Small amount