Spicy winter melon stewed on scallops

Remove the skin and seeds of winter melon and cut thinly into pieces about 1-2 mm thick. Add winter melon to hot water with salt in excess and boil until it is slightly clear. The guideline is about 2 minutes, and be careful as it will melt if it is cooked too much. Give the boiled winter melon in a colander.

Put the canned scallops boiled in a pot with the juices, add A and winter melon, and heat it. Bring it to a boil over high heat and bring to a boil while removing the scum.

After simmering for about 4 minutes, remove from the heat and remove the heat. Reheat and bring to a boil, remove from the heat and place on a plate.

- Includes winter melon
- 230ℊ
- Uses canned scallops with canned
- 1 can (125ℊ)
- Kelp broth
- 150㏄