Crab rolled egg

Break the eggs into a bowl and beat, add [A] and mix well. Add the crab meat while loosening.

Place the salad oil in a small bowl, use kitchen paper or a small slice of cloth towel, and add oil to the frying pan for omelette.

Place the frying pan over high heat and once it's warmed up, place it on a wet cloth to cool.

Reheat the frying pan and pour in half the egg mixture. Lift the frying pan and remove from the heat, and use the residual heat to solidify the egg mixture.

Mold the air bubbles with chopsticks and roll them from the back to the front, as if they were cooked a little more than half-boiled.

Once you have finished rolling, add oil to the back area, move the egg to the oiled area, and add oil to the front area as well.

Pour half of the remaining egg mixture into a frying pan. Lift the eggs from [6] to allow the egg mixture to spread throughout the frying pan. Repeat [5] to [7] about two or three times.

Once the egg mixture is poured, roll it on a frying pan and lightly brown the surface.

Remove it on a rolled tank, shape it, then cut it to your desired size.

Serve in a bowl and serve with squeezed grated radish. Dried dark soy sauce over the radish and pour it over it to finish.

- egg
- 4 pieces
- It's crab
- 70cc
- sugar
- 1/2 tbsp
- Light soy sauce
- 1/2 tbsp
- Dark soy sauce
- A little
- Alcohol
- 1/2 tbsp
- Use crab
- 100g
- Salad oil
- A little
- grated radish topping
- A little
- dark soy sauce toppings
- A little