Clams grilled butter

Arrange the sand-depleted clams in a bat, and steam them for about 4 minutes without covering the container.

Once the clam mouth opens, remove the flesh from its shell. (Don't throw away the steamed soup as it will be used later.)

Sprinkle the clam meat with an appropriate amount of flour.

Melt the butter in a frying pan and grill the clams.

Once browned, turn it over and add 1 tablespoon of the steamed soup mentioned earlier.

Once the moisture has disappeared, add soy sauce and lemon juice to finish off and add a scent to it.

- Clams removed from sand
- 5
- flour
- Appropriate amount
- butter
- 15g
- For adding soy
- 1 tsp
- For fragrance of lemon juice
- 1 tsp