Tofu hamburger

Kataoka Mamoru
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This Italian hamburger is so juicy and plump that you wouldn't know that it was made with tofu.
Cooking time: 30 minutes
0 posts in arranging recipes
How to make it

Place the tofu on a plate and drain for about 10 minutes.
Chop the green onions and onions into small pieces.


Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan and fry the sliced ​​green onions and onions. Add a little salt and pepper. After frying for about 5 minutes, turn off the heat and allow to cool. (If you don't have time, it's a good idea to cool it down with ice water.)


Add [A] to the drained tofu and mix well, then add [2], which has been heated and mix even more.


Divide the seeds you have made into quarters. (It is recommended to roll it up with a little olive oil on your hand and not stick to your hands.


Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan and cook the seeds in 4 equal parts. Bake for about 5 minutes and turn it over and cover. Bake like this for about 3 minutes.


Cover and after 3 minutes, add the white wine. Remove the alcohol content and remove the hamburger into a batter or something similar.


[Make a sauce]
After cutting the fruit tomatoes into combs, slide the knife to remove the skin. Chop the basil into shredded pieces. Add this to the remaining white wine in the frying pan of [6], and then add tomato sauce to make it into a sauce.


When the tomatoes start to lose their shape, put back the hamburger you've removed and add 1 teaspoon of soy sauce to add a aroma.


Heat 10g of butter in another frying pan, add a little salt, and fry the spinach (boiled, cut into 3cm lengths).


Place an appropriate amount of fried spinach on a plate and place the hamburger on top. Pour it with plenty of tomato sauce and sprinkle it with Italian parsley and it's done.

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