Sauteed white fish with bean puree

Kataoka Mamoru
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The boiled balsamic sauce adds an accent to it, and goes well with the light puree and fish. It's important to cook the skin thoroughly to make it crisp.
Cooking time: 15 minutes
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How to make it

After adding about three cuts of the sea bream, sprinkle salt and pepper all over. Pour an appropriate amount of cake flour only on the skin.


Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan and cook it from the sea bream skin. (It is easy to warp, so it is best to press it against with a spatula or something similar.)


Once the skin is browned thoroughly, turn it over and remove the back side once it's cooked.


Add [A] to the same frying pan and heat it. Simmer for a few minutes and thicken the whole thing.


Mix the arugula with [B] and lightly season it.


Sprinkle a round of warmed white bean puree on a plate and place the grilled fish on top. Garnish with arugula, pour boiled sauce and olive oil around to finish.

1 dish of ingredients

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