Cherry tomato and chive egg

Remove the stems from the cherry tomatoes and make small cuts into the buttocks with a knife. After dropping it in boiling water for about 5 seconds, remove it in ice water and peel it.

Cut the chives into 2cm lengths.

Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan and fry the boiled cherry tomatoes. Once the oil has gotten used, add the chives and fry, and when it's soft, add [A] to season it.

Add the beaten eggs all at once, cook them to make them half-boiled, and then finished.

- Cherry tomato
- 9 pieces
- Nira
- 50g
- Olive oil
- 1 tablespoon
- Dark soy sauce
- 1/2 tbsp
- Mirin
- 1/2 tbsp
- Coarsely smelt black pepper
- Small amount
- egg
- 2