Boiled winter melon and pork belly

Remove the skin and seeds of winter melon and cut into blocks. Place in hot water with salt in excess and boil the bottom for about 20 minutes.

Cut the pork belly into strips about 1.5 cm wide.

Place the frying pan over high heat and add the pork belly and stir fry until it is loosened. Remove it for a while until it leaves a little pink.

Put winter melon in a frying pan. Brown the skin side down on high heat, then roll it to change the surface when it is browned.

Once the whole is lightly browned, add A and cook it with the image of boiling down.

Simmer for about 3-4 minutes and the juices start to simmer, put the pork back in the frying pan and add the savory beauties.

Spend the water over the heat, then add dark soy sauce, remove from the heat and serve. Sprinkle with chili oil if you like.

- Includes winter melon
- 400ℊ
- Pork belly
- 150ℊ
- Kelp broth
- 200㏄
- sugar
- 1/2 tbsp
- Dark soy sauce
- 1/2 tbsp
- Chili oil
- Appropriate amount