Winter melon stewed with donut

Cut off both stems of winter melon and then cut into 3-4cm pieces. Peel the skin and hollow out the seeds with a thin-tip knife. Place in hot water with salt in excess and boil the bottom for about 20 minutes.

Put A and winter melon in a pot and heat it. Once it boils, remove it with aluminum foil, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes.

Remove the winter melon, add the beef to the remaining broth and cook it. Remove any scum along the way.

Melt the miso and add it and remove it when the beef is completely cooked. Simmer the remaining sauce until it becomes thick.

Place winter melon on a plate and place the beef in the center of the donut shaped shaped. Pour it with sauce and topped with grey-haired green onions.

- Includes winter melon
- 360ℊ
- Kelp broth
- 300㏄
- Used for beef sirloin slices
- 150ℊ
- miso
- 40ℊ
- White hair
- Appropriate amount