Duck Carpaccio

Remove the streaks of the duck meat and sprinkle salt and pepper on both sides. Make fine cuts about 1mm wide in the skin.

Place the frying pan over low heat and add olive oil. Cook the duck meat from the skin and cook for about 5 minutes, rolling it so that it has browned all over. Be careful as it will burn if the heat is too strong.

Warm the oven to 200°C.
Place the duck meat on a bat and cook for about 3 minutes. Remove from the oven, wrap in aluminum foil and let rest for about 3 minutes. In the same way, repeat the process of putting it in the oven, then taking it out and letting it rest about five times.
When putting it in the oven, peel off the aluminum foil (above photo), but if the browning seems too strong, put it in the oven wrapped.
Try touching the duck meat and as long as it's fully elastic. Rewind the duck meat in new aluminum foil and leave until heat is removed.

Cut the duck into pieces about 2-3mm thick and arrange them on a plate.

Thinly slice the celery and mushrooms, place in a bowl and mix with the seasonings from [A].

Place [5] on top of the duck meat.

Topped with arugula, parmesan cheese, Italian parsley, etc., lightly pour olive oil, white pepper and lemon juice over it.

- Duck meat
- 1 sheet (approximately 250g)
- salt
- Appropriate amount
- Pick it
- Appropriate amount
- Olive oil
- 1 tsp
- celery
- 80g
- Uses raw mushrooms
- 4 pieces
- Italian parsley
- A little
- Olive oil
- 4 tbsp
- White pepper
- A little
- Lemon juice
- A little
- salt
- A little
- For olive oil
- A little
- lemon juice topping
- A little
- For white pepper
- A little
- For arugula
- Appropriate amount
- For parmesan cheese
- Appropriate amount
- Italian parsley topping
- Appropriate amount