Stir-fried burdock and beef minced meat

Cut the burdock into diagonal pieces about 2-3mm thick, and cut the bean beans into small pieces that are easy to eat and boil them.

Put a frying pan with salad oil over high heat, add the beef minced meat and burdock and fry. Once the beef minced meat is cooked, remove only the beef minced meat in a separate bowl and continue to fry the burdock in a frying pan.

Add the seasonings [A] to the frying pan, and when the moisture has disappeared, add the beef meat from [2] and the beef beef beef sardines and bean beef stew and quickly fry.

Sprinkle thick soy sauce on top, add unsalted butter and melt it. Remove from the heat and serve in a bowl to complete.

- Burdock
- 100g
- Bean
- 40g
- Beef meat
- 100g
- Salad oil
- 1 tablespoon
- Bonito dashi water can be used as a substitute
- 100cc
- sugar
- 1/2 tbsp
- Dark soy sauce
- 1 tsp
- For finishing dark soy sauce
- 1/2 tbsp
- For finishing with unsalted butter
- 10g