Green asparagus and octopus salad

Cut off the roots of the asparagus by cutting off the 4-5cm roots, then remove the stove with a peeler and boil it in salt. The estimated boiling time is 4-5 minutes.

When the asparagus is lifted up with chopsticks, cook it to a slight flexing level, then remove it in ice water and cool for more than 3 minutes.

Cut the asparagus into 4-5cm lengths and then cut in half lengthwise. The octopus is easy to eat, and the celery should be cut into small pieces, about 5mm in size.

Cut the udon into 5cm strips of strips, soak it in vinegared water for about 5 minutes to remove the water.

Combine 2 and 3 in a bowl, add A and mix.

- Green asparagus
- 1 bottle
- Boiled octopus
- 30g
- Udo
- 20g
- of vinegar and vinegar
- Appropriate amount
- celery
- 8g
- Olive oil
- 1 tablespoon
- Lemon juice
- 1 tsp
- Vinegar or wine vinegar
- A little
- Balsamic Vinegar
- A little
- salt
- 0.5g
- Mince parsley
- A pinch