Green asparagus and raw sea urchin pasta

Cut the asparagus into thin strips long and long.

Boil water in a pot, add salt, and boil the spaghetti until it has a slightly firm al dente (a little bit of the core remains in the center). (Approximately: about 1 minute before the displayed time. Here we will be 4 minutes.
Put asparagus in the same pot as 2 and boil it for 3-4 minutes with spaghetti.
Put A on low heat and when the garlic turns golden brown, add B in order. Once it boils, turn off the heat.

Add boiled spaghetti and asparagus, mix well, and serve on a plate. Finish with parsley and sea urchin.

[Boil spaghetti]
- Spaghettidi Czech Republic No.10 Federini
- 80g
- Boiled water
- 3000ml
- 1% salt content of salted
- 30g
- Green asparagus
- Two
- Olive oil
- 5/2 tbsp
- Chop garlic
- 1/2 tbsp
- Red chili pepper
- 1 bottle
- Tomato sauce
- 50ml
- Raw sea urchin
- 20g
- Fresh cream
- 30ml
- Mince parsley
- 1 tablespoon
- salt
- A little
- Coarsely smelt black pepper
- A little
- For minced parsley
- Appropriate amount
- For finishing raw sea urchin
- Appropriate amount