Rock oyster cream sauce with green nori flavor

Kataoka Mamoru
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The key to cooking the oysters quickly is to cook them. Steaming will make the flesh plump.
Cooking time: 15 minutes
0 posts in arranging recipes
How to make it

Remove the oysters from their shells and wash them thoroughly with running water.


Fill a pot with a little salt and hot water, put the spinach in a bundle and boil for about 30 seconds. Remove in a batter and let it cool.


Slice the shallots as thinly as possible. Put shallots, white wine and vermouth liquor in a frying pan and heat it to bring out the shallot scent.


Add the vegetable soup, and when it's boiled, add the rock oyster meat, cover, and steam for about 1-2 minutes while shaking.


Remove the flesh of the rock oysters and add fresh cream to the broth to make a cream sauce. Lower the heat and allow to stir to prevent burning.


Once everything is mixed, place the sauce in a strainer and remove any shallots. Return the sauce to the frying pan, squeeze the spinach from [2] well and add the sauce to it.


Add the seasonings from [A] and when the whole thing is mixed, bring the rock oysters back together and add the sauce.


Remove the spinach from a plate and place the rock oysters on top. Simmer the remaining sauce until it is thick, and if it doesn't taste well, add salt.


Remove the frying pan from the heat and pour cream sauce over the rock oysters. Topped with Italian parsley and selfie to your liking.

Ingredients for 2 people

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