Fried Flora with anchovi butter sauce

Kataoka Mamoru
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Flora flesh is usually cooked after peeling the skin, but when cooking as fried chicken, leaving the skin behind will make it more fragrant and textured.
Cooking time: 15 minutes
0 posts in arranging recipes
How to make it

Make anchovi butter sauce.
Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix.


The flatfish are made from three newly-decorated pieces. Sprinkle salt and white pepper on both sides and sprinkle with flour.


Gently place the flounder into deep frying oil heated to 170°C. It's fine as long as the moisture is removed and the whole thing is fried. Approximately 2.5 minutes is approx.


Remove onto a net and sprinkle with salt while it's hot.


Serve on a plate and serve with the chopped lemon. Topped with sibretto and Italian parsley if desired, and served with the anchovie butter sauce from [1].

Ingredients for 2 people

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