Tomato cream pasta with peppers and pickled peppers

Pasta tomato cream
Kataoka Mamoru
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By thoroughly frying the red and yellow peppers, it will give it a sweetness and make it tasty. The acidity of the cream sauce and pickles gives the rich sauce a refreshing taste. It's also delicious with smoked salmon.
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Cooking time without tomato sauce
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How to make it

Shredded red peppers, yellow peppers and bacon. Slice the onions into thin slices and shredded sweet pickles.


Put A in a frying pan and when it smells, add bacon, onion, red peppers, and yellow peppers in the order.


Boil the spaghetti until it is slightly firm. (Approximately: about 1 minute before the displayed time)


Once the ingredients in the frying pan are starting to soften, add B, mix well with a wooden spoon, add sweet pickles, and simmer.


Add the boiled spaghetti to a frying pan, add spaghetti boiling soup (about 30ml) and stir-fry, then add salt to taste.


Add 1 tablespoon of Parmesan cheese and mix further.


Place it on a plate, sprinkle the remaining Parmesan cheese and parsley and you're done.

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