Grilled cod cheese

Main seafood dishes
Kataoka Mamoru
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This dish goes well with wine made with cheese instead of breadcrumbs. When you start baking, add cod in the frying pan at a low temperature. At high temperatures, the cheese sticks and won't cook well. Hold on until it's cooked and return it.
Cooking time: 10 minutes
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How to make it

The cod is covered in salt, coarsely simmered black pepper and sprinkled with flour.


Spread eggs in the cod, thoroughly add Parmesan cheese, heat olive oil in a frying pan, add it through the skin, bake both sides and serve on a plate.


Drain the oil from the frying pan in 2, melt the butter, add lemon juice and clam clam, quickly cook it to make a sauce, pour it over the cod and it's finished.

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