How to make jam (Amaou)

Japanese food
Chef teaches basic "ki"
Tamura Takashi
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The strawberry and sugar ratio is 2:1. This time I made it with 2kg, but if it's too large, it takes time and can easily burn, so at home, about 500g might be a good idea. Always heat on medium heat. It will burn if you heat it up.
Combine strawberries and sugar and heat them immediately, but leaving them overnight will quickly heat up, saving time.

Cooking time: 35 minutes
Excluding the time to leave overnight
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How to make it

Wash the strawberries, remove the stems and remove the moisture. Put the strawberries in a bowl, pour 1kg of sugar and leave it overnight. (This will allow the strawberries to water and blend with the sugar, making them more likely to catch on fire.)


Transfer the strawberries that have been left overnight to a pot and cook them slowly over medium heat.


After about 5 minutes, the lye will float to the surface, so scoop the lye with a ladle and transfer it to a bowl. (Don't throw it away as I'll put it back later!)


After transferring the lye into a bowl several times, just like beer, only the original lye foam will float upwards, so discard the foam and return the remaining simmer to the pot.


After simmering for about 20 minutes, it will thicken slightly. Add the lemon juice here.


When you mix, the saucepan becomes thick enough to show the bottom of the pot, pour it over the pad and cool it at room temperature to finish.


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