Preparation of milt

Japanese food
Chef teaches basic "ki"
Tamura Takashi
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It is best to use as fresh as possible for the milt.
It's okay to pass the milt through hot water in an instant.
Cooking time: 35 minutes
0 posts in arranging recipes
How to make it

Gently wash the milt with water and cut it into bite-sized pieces. (About 50g per piece is better.)


Put water in a bowl, add 3% salt (in this case, 15g), and add about 2 tablespoons of alcohol.


Add the milt and mix gently to remove the slime.


Soak the milt for about 30 minutes. (It removes blood lines and gives it a light salty taste.)


After 30 minutes, rinse off under running water, boil plenty of water, add the milt, and quickly pass it through the water and remove.


Immediately put it in plenty of ice water, tighten it, wipe off any water to complete the pre-treatment.


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