Lots of vegetable soup

Please also refer to this page for information on the ingredients introduced in this recipe.
Pre-boil all the vegetables in [A]. (If possible, it is a good idea to pre-boil and then soak it in the basic beef tendon soup and add the flavor.) Return the jellyfish with water and tear it with your hands.

Heat the beef tendon soup in a pot and add the [A], vegetable jellyfish, and beef tendon.

Add [B] to season.

Once the sesame oil smells, it's finished.

- Pre-boil broccoli
- 15g
- Pre-boil cauliflower
- 15g
- Boil the fresh beans
- 15g
- Pre-boil green peas
- 15g
- Drying jellyfish
- 2g
- Basic beef tendon soup made from strained soup
- 200cc
- Beef tendon soup with beef
- Small amount
- salt
- Small amount
- Scallion oil
- 1 tsp
- Chili oil (chili oil)
- 1 tsp
- Sesame oil
- 1 tsp