Sauteed chicken thighs with red and green chili peppers in chopped sauce

[Make a chopped chili sauce]
Cut the chili peppers in half lengthwise, remove the seeds inside, and shredd them.

Place the chopped chili peppers in a food processor, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of garlic, and basil leaves, and stir until it becomes a paste that leaves a lasting texture. (If you don't have a food processor, you can chop it up thoroughly.)

Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of chopped garlic to a frying pan and heat. Once the garlic is golden brown, add the paste from [2], salt and Italian parsley and fry. Once the whole thing is in sauce form, the chopped sauce is complete.

[Make sauteed chicken]
Cut the chicken thighs into easy-to-eat sizes, sprinkle salt and pepper, then slowly grill 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a heated frying pan over low heat.

Add sliced garlic, lemon and thyme to the chicken on low heat for about 15 minutes and cook more.

Cook until the skin is browned, then turn it over and cook even more until the meat is completely cooked.

Once the chicken is cooked, place on a plate. Now, pour the shishito into the same frying pan and lightly brown it. Place this on top of chicken and serve with the sauce you made and it's finished.

[For chopped chili sauce]
- Red chili pepper raw
- 5 bottles
- Green chili pepper raw
- 5 bottles
- Olive Oil Food Processor
- 1 tablespoon
- garlic and for food processor
- 1 tsp
- basil
- 10 sheets
- For stir-fried olive oil
- 2 tbsp
- chopping and stir-frying
- 1 tablespoon
- salt
- Small amount
- Italian parsley chopped
- 1 tablespoon
[For sauteing chicken]
- Chicken thigh
- 600g
- Salt and pepper
- Appropriate amount
- Olive oil
- 2 tbsp
- Garlic slices
- 1 piece
- Cut lemon
- Small amount
- Time Rosemary is also possible
- 5 bottles
- Shishito Chicken
- 50g