Recipes that will enjoy the charm of Fuki and the taste of spring

Fuki is a vegetable that is unique to Japan, and its cultivation history dates back to the 18th century. Recently, house-grown items have become the mainstream, but in the end of spring, more fragrant, thinner and shorter items, known as wild brooms or mountain brooms, are available on the market. The "fuki no to" flower buds of the fuki are also a dish that allows you to enjoy the deliciousness of the fuki.
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Characteristics of Fuki, seasonality, and how to choose
Fuki is characterized by its wild aroma, bitterness and strong scum. House-grown items have less of these characteristics, but the open features harvested in spring can enjoy a stronger aroma and bitterness. When choosing, choose one with a fresh leaf.
Recipes using wipes
Stewed fried
- Ingredients: 200g of wipes, 200ml of dashi stock, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of mirin
- How to make:
- Peel the skin and boil quickly to remove any bitterness.
- Add the dashi stock and seasonings to a pot, add wipes and simmer over low heat.
- Simmer until the wipe is soft and ready.
Fukinoto tempura
- Ingredients: 10 fried noodles, suitable amount of tempura flour, suitable amount of water, deep-fried oil
- How to make:
- Lightly wash the simmered baking dish and drain it.
- Add water to the tempura flour to make a batter, and then let it pass through the fuki baking paste.
- Fry in 180 degrees oil and crispy.
Summary: Various ways to enjoy Fuki
Fuki is a Japanese spring taste characterized by its unique aroma and bitterness. During the season, try enjoying the flavor in a variety of dishes, such as stewed fuki and fuki no tofu tempura. With the arrival of spring, you will be able to feel the change in seasons through wipes.