Reproduction recipe: Introducing a recipe for hashed rice cakes bacon cheese!

In this article, we will recreate recipes that someone else introduced somewhere else in an epi recipe style.

Recipes introduced this time

  • Published by: Daigo's Kitchen
  • Recipe name: Hashed rice cake bacon cheese
  • This is a recipe devised by cooking columnist Yamamoto Yuri!

Hashed rice cakes Bacon cheese ingredients and amounts

Cutting rice cakes2 pieces (approx. 100g)
Bacon (half)2
Pizza cheese 4 tbsp
potato starch1 tablespoon
Black pepper (coarsely broiled)Appropriate amount
soy sauceAppropriate amount
Salad oilAppropriate amount
Hashed rice cakes Bacon cheese ingredients and amounts

How to make it

1. Cut the rice cakes and bacon into 7mm squares.

2. Put the cut rice cakes and bacon in a bowl, add cheese and potato starch and mix.

3. Heat 1 tablespoon of salad oil in a frying pan over low heat, spread 2 pieces, put a lid on and cook over low heat for 3-4 minutes.

Flip 4.2 over, add salad oil and bake for another 2-3 minutes.

5. Once it's golden brown, serve it in a bowl.


In this arrangement, I poured parsley and black pepper on top. This recipe gives the bacon a salty flavor, so you can feel a subtle salty taste without adding soy sauce or something to the final dish. If you like, it would be delicious to pour ketchup or something else. It's also perfect as a snack. I hope you all give it a try!

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