Jade eggplant

Japanese food
Vegetable side dishes
Tamura Takashi
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By drilling holes in the eggplant, oil can be found inside the holes and heated from the inside, making it easy to fry and beautifully colored. Eggplant is the same as a sponge. By adding weights to remove excess water, it absorbs the flavor well afterwards.
Cooking time: 10 minutes
0 posts in arranging recipes
How to make it

Cut off both ends of the eggplant a little, then pierce the chopsticks through the edges to make a hole.


Fry in hot oil for a few minutes. Once steam begins to come out of the hole you put on, drop it in ice water and peel it off.


Take it out on a cutting board, place a plate or other weight on it, and remove any moisture that has entered the hole.


Add [A] to a bowl and soak the eggplant, which has been poured into it, to soak the flavor. After a little while, transfer to a plate and topped with yarn bonito to finish.


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