Stewed in Tsugao

Cut the sweet potatoes thickly into pieces.

Soak it in water for about 5 minutes, then add the halved berries and release the yellow meat, then leave it for another 5 minutes.

Transfer the soaked potatoes into a pot with the water and cook them for about 15 minutes until the chopsticks pass.

Once it's soft, rinse off the yellow water, add water again and place on the heat. Add the sugar here.

After 5 minutes, turn off the heat and let it cool for 5 minutes, then reheat and place the lid on with aluminum foil. Repeat this step twice more.

Finally, remove the aluminum foil and heat a little to high to remove any moisture. Shake the pot and let it simmer a little and it's finished.

- Sweet potatoes
- 400g
- The fruit of the bell
- 1 piece
- sugar
- 40g