Nodokuro cabbage wrapped in cream sauce

Remove the core of the cabbage and drop the three outer leaves into boiling water. If it becomes soft, drop it in ice water and remove the color.

Cut the fillets of the thrush into three equal parts and sprinkle them all with salt and pepper and cake flour. Bake 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a heated frying pan until golden brown on both sides.

Spread the thoroughly drained cabbage on a cutting board, place the grilled sardines on top, and roll it up from the front. (If it is difficult to wrap, lightly cut the core.)

Place in a steamer and steam for 10 minutes.

Make cream sauce while it's steamed. Put [A] in a pot and simmer until half the amount is about 5 minutes.

Add the fresh cream to [5], stir to prevent burning, bring to a boil, then add [B], mix well and turn it into a sauce.

Place steamed cabbage rolls on a plate and pour over the sauce you've made. Topped with fruit tomatoes and Italian parsley (not included in the portions) and finished.

- cabbage
- 3
- Nodokuro fillet
- 1 slice (approx. 150g)
- Salt and pepper
- Small amount
- cake flour
- Appropriate amount
- Olive oil
- 1 tablespoon
- White wine
- 50cc
- vermouth sake mirin
- 30cc
- Japanese sake
- 30cc
- Fresh cream
- 120cc
- butter
- 10g
- salt
- Small amount
- Lemon juice
- A few drops
- soy sauce
- A few drops
- Asatsuki small cut
- 1 tablespoon
- Fruit tomatoes 2mm cubes
- 1 tablespoon