Fried chicken mushrooms with sweet potatoes

How to make it

Divide the mushrooms by hand or cut them into pieces that are easy to eat with a knife.


To make the chicken thighs more likely to soak in, use a fork to make holes in the skin, and make fine cuts on the meat side.


Transfer to a bowl, add dark soy sauce and bonito soup stock, and knead it well.


Sprinkle with potato starch or joshin flour and fry in frying oil heated to 170°C for about 3 minutes. Take it out onto a net, cook it with the residual heat, and then fry again. A total of about 7 minutes is an estimate of frying time.


Once the surface is browned, remove it onto a net and drain the oil.


Frost the frying pan for about 2 minutes. Add [A] and bring to a boil, then add water-soluble potato starch to thicken it.


Cut the fried chicken into easy-to-eat sizes and serve in a bowl. Pour it with mushrooms and add some satsuki to your liking.

Ingredients for 3 people

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