Grilled saury parmesan cheese

The saury is made from three pieces. Use a brush to sprinkle with flour.

Put a frying pan with salad oil over high heat and grill the saury meat down. Once it's lightly browned, turn it over and bake the skin.

Turn the skin over again so that it is facing outwards, and pour the beaten egg into a frying pan so that it clings to the saury.

When the eggs are cooked, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and remove from the heat. Remove it on a cutting board and cut off any protruding eggs and shape them.

Cut into small pieces that are easy to eat and serve in a bowl to complete the meal.

- Saury
- 2
- cake flour
- A little
- Salad oil
- 1 tablespoon
- Beat egg
- 2 pieces
- Parmesan cheese
- 2 tbsp