Fried rock oysters with tartar sauce

Prepare tartar sauce.
Wipe off the capers and pickles thoroughly and then chop them finely, then use them, and then use them in small amounts of boiled eggs and onions. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

Shredded carrots and myogata and soaked in ice water. Remove the oysters from their shells and wash them thoroughly with running water.

To the rock oyster flesh, wipe off the water with kitchen paper or something similar, then sprinkle with white pepper and add flour, beaten eggs, and breadcrumbs. Half the fried rice roe and add the batter in the same way.

Heat the frying oil to about 170°C and fry the [3] misogata and rock oysters. The recommended frying time is about 50 seconds for myoga and about 1.5 minutes for rock oysters. Once the fried chicken is in a moderate amount, remove it onto a net.

Myo, which has been drained by giving it to a colander, mix shredded carrots with shredded cabbage and serve in a bowl. Put all the sauce ingredients in a separate bowl and mix well.

Place fried rock oysters and fried myoga on top of shredded cabbage and add about 1 tablespoon of tartar sauce from [1]. Add the sauce from [5] and it's finished.

- Carrots
- 20g
- Myo
- 1 piece
[Tartar sauce (easy to make)]
- mayonnaise
- 115g
- capers
- 6g
- Pickled cucumber
- 20g
- Boiled eggs
- 1 piece
- Onion
- 20g
- Lemon juice
- A little
- parsley
- A little
- Asatsuki
- A little
- Tabasco
- A little
- White pepper
- A little
- Worcester sauce
- A little
- White pepper
- A little
- Used as flour
- Appropriate amount
- a beaten egg coat
- Appropriate amount
- Used as a bread
- Appropriate amount
- Myo for fly
- 1 piece
- Shredded cabbage
- Appropriate amount
- Fried oil
- Appropriate amount
- Pork cutlet sauce
- 20cc
- Lemon juice
- A little
- ketchup
- 10cc
- Tabasco
- A little
- Black pepper
- A little
- Italian parsley topping
- A little
- For selfie
- A little