Whale milk tofu

Seafood side dishes
Tamura Takashi
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A dish with a tofu-like texture that is solidified with the mildly jira collagen. You can enjoy the unique, fluffy texture.
Cooking time: 60 minutes
Excluding the time to cool and solidify in the fridge
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How to make it

Put the sake in a pot, heat it, and cook it into a boil.


Add some chili in [1] and simmer until the flesh melts. Approximately 20 minutes is a guideline.


Remove the skin and apply it to strainer to make it smooth.


Uses 150cc of [3]. Put in a pot, add 150cc of milk, place it over medium heat, and then bring to a boil and add the remaining 100cc of milk and mix.


Remove from heat and strain again in a strainer. Transfer to a bowl and place it on a pot filled with ice water to remove the heat.


Once the heat has subsided, pour it into a deep blanket with plastic wrap, place in the fridge, and let it cool for about 20-30 minutes to harden. If you're in a hurry, put ice water in the bat, place it on top to cool it down.


Once it's completely firm, remove it from the batter and cut it into bite-sized pieces. Serve in a bowl and add [A] to the sauce. Add shredded shredded shiso leaves and plum meat to your lily of choice and it's ready.


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