Chicken stewed in sake lees

Peel the carrots, burdocks, and radish, cut the konjac into bite-sized pieces, boiled the bottom and give it in a colander. Cut the chicken thighs into bite-sized pieces.

Heat the frying pan and cook the chicken thighs through the skin. Once the vegetables are browned, add the vegetables from [1] and kelp stock, and simmer for about 15 minutes, removing the scum.

Put the ingredients from the sake lees sauce in a bowl and mix well. In addition to [2], add light soy sauce while tasting.

Simmer for 2-3 minutes and remove from the heat and serve in a bowl. Topped with chopped serif and finished.

- Chicken thigh
- 300g
- Konnyaku
- 100g
- Burdock
- 50g
- Carrots
- 50g
- Kelp broth
- 600cc
[Sake lees]
- Sake lees
- 150g
- White miso
- 50g
- Kelp broth
- 100cc
- Light soy sauce
- 1/2 tbsp
- For ceritoping
- 30g