Cod (cod) dustpan

Put water and kelp in a pot and slowly heat over low heat. Cut the green onions diagonally thickly.

Sprinkle with a strong salt (2.5g) on the cod. Cut the raw milt into bite-sized pieces and sprinkle with salt slightly more than the cod.

Place the chicory for the sauce in a blender and mix with capers, anchovies, garlic, salt and pepper (a little salt) and olive oil.

Put the cod and milt in the pot in [1] and heat over high heat (with the kelp as is). Add the green onions and then add the chicory for the pot.

Once the cooked [4] is ready, pour ponzu and yuzu soup onto [3] and place one yuzu skin on top.
Sprinkle the chicory sauce made in [3] on [5] and garnish with the clams.