Rediscover the charm of winter melon! Introducing the health benefits and recipes of multifunctional ingredients that you can enjoy in the summer harvest until winter!


Winter melon (togan) has the name "winter," but it is actually a vegetable harvested in the summer. The name comes from its excellent storage capacity and is enjoyable in winter. It was once popular since the Heian period, but due to changes in diet and large-scale consumption has been decreasing in recent years. This time, we will introduce the seasonal winter melon, how to choose it, and recommended recipes.

Seasonality and how to choose

Winter melons are in season in summer, but you can enjoy them until early winter. In spring, some of them are also available in house cultivation. Most of the items are sold out in one place, so we recommend using them up as soon as possible after purchase. If you are buying whole, choose one with a uniform green skin and a heavy, heavy.

Health benefits

Winter melon has a diuretic effect and was once used to treat kidney disease. It is a healthy ingredient and is worth adding to your cooking.

Recommended ways to eat

Togan is a popular summer ingredient for its smooth texture and pale flavor. This time, we will introduce two easy-to-make soup recipes for simmered rice dumplings.

Basic stew of togan

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • Togan: 400g
  • Dashi: 3-4 cups
  • Ginger: 3-4 tbsp
  • Salt, thin soy sauce, mirin, potato starch: suitable amounts


  1. Remove the seeds of the togan, peel the skin thickly, and cut into 5cm cubes. Add the tofu-cancer to the pot, add plenty of water and rice and simmer for about 15 minutes. After that, throw away the broth.
  2. Simmer the dashi stock together with the togan for 5-6 minutes. Next, add 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, and 3 tbsp mirin, simmer for another 5-6 minutes and turn off the heat.
  3. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of potato starch with 4 tablespoons of water and add to the broth. Finally, topped with ginger and it's done.

Simmered shrimp and simmered minced rice

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • Togan (6cm x 8cm size): 4 pcs
  • Grass shrimp: 150g
  • Edamame (boiled and peeled): 3 tablespoons
  • Ginger soup: a little
  • Sake, salt, potato starch: suitable amounts


  1. For the togan, remove the cotton, peel the skin thinly and cut into 5cm x 8cm cubes. Then, shave the corners, put a diagonal knife into the skin, and boil it for a short time.
  2. Add the necessary ingredients in another pot, heat it, and add the saccharide. Once it comes to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer.
  3. Remove the shrimp from the head, shell and back cotton, and tap with a knife. Add 2 tablespoons of sake and a little salt and simmer.
  4. Remove the broth in another pot and thicken it with potato starch. Add shrimp, edamame and ginger soup and mix.
  5. Chill the togan and shrimp bean paste in the fridge thoroughly and serve in a bowl to finish.

Both recipes are delicious dishes that are easy to make at home. Please try adding it to your summer dining table.


Although winter melons are harvested in the summer, they were named "winter melons" because of their storage properties. It has health benefits and is a multi-functional ingredient that can be used in a wide range of cooking purposes. Be sure to incorporate this winter melon into your cooking and enjoy its versatility and deliciousness.

Introducing our special recipes for epi recipes

Rape blossom omelette
Fry the rape flowers thoroughly and remove the moisture until they become soft.
Rape blossom omelette
Fry the rape flowers thoroughly and remove the moisture until they become soft.
Rape blossom omelette
Fry the rape flowers thoroughly and remove the moisture until they become soft.
Rape blossom omelette
Fry the rape flowers thoroughly and remove the moisture until they become soft.
Rape blossom omelette
Fry the rape flowers thoroughly and remove the moisture until they become soft.
Rape blossom omelette
Fry the rape flowers thoroughly and remove the moisture until they become soft.

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