Fried mackerel with fried sweet potato

Cut the mackerel into three pieces by cutting it into three equal parts, sprinkle it all over with potato starch, fry it in hot oil until golden brown, and remove it in a bowl.

Add [A] to a frying pan, cut carrots, shiitake mushrooms, and bamboo shoots and heat. After boiling, add the tan leaves, turn off the heat, add water-dissolved potato starch and thicken it. Once the mixture is thickened, pour it over the mackerel from [1] and it's finished.

- mackerel
- 80g
- potato starch
- Appropriate amount
- Fried oil
- Appropriate amount
- Kelp water broth
- 100cc
- Shredded carrots
- 15g
- shiitake mushrooms
- 15g
- Boiled bamboo shoots and shredded
- 15g
- Mitsuba
- 15g
- Water-soluble potato starch
- 1 tablespoon