Sweet and sour pickled urchin

Add the seasonings to a bowl and add the heated balm oil in a frying pan.

Peel the udon thinly with a petty knife or peeler and cut it into 5-6cm easy-to-eat sticks.

Udo is easily changed in color, soak it in vinegared water immediately after cutting. Add a little salt and wash with vinegar by rubbing it with your hands.

Wipe away any water with kitchen paper and place in the sweet and sour vinegar from [1].

You can eat it as is as lightly pickled, but if you soak it in for about a day, the flavor will soak even more.

- Udo
- 1 bottle
- vinegar
- 150cc
- sugar
- 150g
- Chili peppers
- Appropriate amount
- Can be replaced with balm
- 2 tbsp