Sweet and sour pickled urchin

Wakiya Tomoko
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Instead of urchin, you can also make it using turnips, radish, Chinese cabbage, etc. These vegetables tend to produce water, so be sure to remove the water thoroughly before making them, assuming salt is also available.
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Excluding the time to soak
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How to make it

Add the seasonings to a bowl and add the heated balm oil in a frying pan.


Peel the udon thinly with a petty knife or peeler and cut it into 5-6cm easy-to-eat sticks.


Udo is easily changed in color, soak it in vinegared water immediately after cutting. Add a little salt and wash with vinegar by rubbing it with your hands.


Wipe away any water with kitchen paper and place in the sweet and sour vinegar from [1].


You can eat it as is as lightly pickled, but if you soak it in for about a day, the flavor will soak even more.

Ingredients for 3 people

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